Bodymind Ballwork is truly a technique for students of all ages and physical conditions. This practice targets the connective tissue and muscular systems, leading to a unified sense of self. Students can experience increased blood circulation, release of tension and a shift in mental attitude, as well as a feeling of pervasive wholeness - an integrated self. The use of various rubber balls as tools to support, massage and stretch specific parts of the body, from head to toe, is a cornerstone of Bodymind Ballwork. The method was developed by Ellen Saltonstall out of a forty year practice of Kinetic Awareness. After I took my first Bodymind Ballwork class with Ellen, I noticed that my muscle discomfort and tension had evaporated and the world around me seemed to come into brighter and more luminous focus! I also studied Mindfulness with Lucia MacBee and joined Ellen’s workshop, which was co-taught with Dr Christine Benner. These are not so relevant for a description of Bodymind Ballwork, but I'm glad you know these two wonderful women!
あらゆる年代、そして様々な身体的状態に合うニューヨーク発祥のBodymind Ballworkは、体の結合組織、筋肉組織を「自身の統一感」へと導いてくれます。テクニックを通して、血流が良くなることで精神面も安定し、「健康」そして「ありのまま」の状態へ。誰もが「統合された自己」を見つけ出すことが出来ます。色々なゴムボールを使い、頭から足先まで特定の場所をマッサージそしてストレッチしていくテクニック。Bodymind Ballworkの原型となるKinetic Awarenessを40年間実践しているニューヨーク在住のEllen Saltonstallにより開発されました。私自身初めてクラスを受講した後は、筋肉の不快感と緊張が解れ、世界がより明るく、光が放たれる様な経験を味わうことが出来ました!またマインドフルネスをLucia Macbeeから学び、Ellen SaltonstallとDr.Christine Benner 共同のBodymind Ballworkのヨガと解剖学のワークショップに参加しました。