
Hi, I’m Yukiko Matsubara, and I founded ‘Keep Moving NYC’  in order to share my experience and knowledge of movement while continuing to learn new things! I’m from Japan, currently based in New York. I teach classes in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Westchester County. I have a BA in English Literature from Aoyama Gakuin University, and joined Turning Point Dance Project, which was a formative experience- I became a staff member, and travelled to New York. Later I moved to New York in order to take part in the International Visa Program at Steps on Broadway. For four years I have been the assistant to the director at The Ballet Club on the Upper East Side, NYC . I’m an experienced dancer and love to teach, in both English and Japanese. I have loved to move since I was little and will always remember the feeling of joy and freedom when I took my first ballet class with Asako Ueno. I’m also a longtime student and teacher of yoga and meditation, and proficient in a wide range of movement methodologies. It’s a delight to see my students grow and thrive, and to watch children, adults and seniors alike - embrace the joy of movement. I love seeing everyone finding their own joy and freedom to express themselves through movement. And I'm always learning from my students!

初めまして!ニューヨーク在住、”KeepMoving.nyc” 主催の松原友紀子です。私は現在ニューヨークを拠点に活動し、Manhattan、Brooklyn、Westchester にてクラスを開催しています。青山学院大学 文学部 英米文学科を卒業後、Turning Point Dance Projectのスタッフとしてニューヨークへ渡航。その後、ニューヨークにあるダンス学校 Steps on Broadway に留学し、International Visa Programを修了しました。卒業後は4年間、Upper East SideにあるThe Ballet Clubにてディレクターアシスタントとして勤務。現在はダンサー、バレエ教師として活動する傍ら、ヨガとメディテーションも学び、指導にあたっています。幼少期から体を動かすことが大好きで、10歳で初めて上野麻子先生とバレエを始めた時の喜びを今でもはっきりと覚えています。指導者として生徒の成長そして目的を達成していく姿を見ることは、私にとって大きな喜びです。子供から大人、シニアの方々との様々な出会い。皆さんが体を動かすことを通して「自分自身」を表現し、それぞれの「喜び」と「自由」を見つける最善のサポートをさせていただきます。私自身も生徒の皆様から日々学ばせていただいています。ニューヨークで学んだ知識、経験を日本そして世界中の方々にお届けしていきます!

Bio 経歴
Performance & Media Credits on Backstage
Linked In

★I’m a volunteer member of 81st Street Studio at The Metropolitan Museum in NYC.
2023年9月にオープンしたメトロポリタン美術館の子供向けスペース 81st Street Studioの、

Certification & Certificate of Program Completion
❒Boston Ballet School- Adaptive Dance Teacher Training
❒The Royal Ballet School- Teacher Training Inspire : Series 1
❒The Royal Ballet School- Teacher Training Webinars
❒Developmental Disorder Advisor Support Association - Developmental Disorder Support Advisor
発達障害支援アドバイザー協会 発達障害サポートアドバイザー
CAPPA - Completed CLD (Labor) & CPD (Postpartum Doula) Training
Yoga Alliance - RYT® 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher
- Meditation Certificate YACEP
- Prenetal Yoga Teacher Training YACEP
❒Youth Protection Advocates in Dance - Safety & Wellness
❒Yogi Beans - Online Kids Yoga Teacher Training
❒American Red Cross - Adult & Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
❒University of Chicago
- Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life
❒University at Buffalo
- ADHD: Everyday Strategies for Elementary Students

Certification COVID-19 
❒Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- COVID-19 Contact Tracing
❒University of Toronto
- Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
❒American Red Cross
- Psychological First Aid: Supporting Yourself and Others During COVID-19
❒Stanford University
- COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers
❒World Health Organization
- Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control
- Standard precautions: Hand hygiene
